Latest blog posts
My most recent thoughts about software installation, open source and life in general

Introducing the Open Source Maintenance Fee
Today I'm launching an idea three years in the making. The Open Source Maintenance Fee tackles the sustainablity problem by charging a small fee for use of an Open Source Project. What? Why? How? All answered in more detail below.

Forty Eight
I didn't know it but the last couple of years have been buliding up to this point. Today is my birthday, so it is time to review last year and because if the next few days go well, the rest of this year will not be the same.

Twenty years maintaining the WiX Toolset
I posted the bulk of my reflections on the WiX Toolset's 20th Anniversary on the FireGiant blog. I just have a couple tidbits to include here.

What could be done to support Open Source maintainers?
It's a cliche to talk about the importance of relationships in business. Now businesses need to think about their relationship with Open Source projects and the maintainers that care for them.