Rob Mensching's Blog - page 10


The Goal Almost As I Saw It

I rarely post anything about the Seattle Sounders FC on my blog. However, since this was just too good not to share and I'm off Twitter for the next couple months, here we are. This clip is from the Sounders game yesterday. My seats are a few rows higher and a few rows closer to center pitch but this is pretty much exactly what I saw.


Six Weeks of Sickness

It started with our toddler, moved to my wife and finally wiped me out. It wasn't one bug but a mix of different bugs that made life miserable for whomever was under full attack. The end result was a lost April and a rough start to May.

One of the cardinal rules for startups is: focus, focus, focus. There is so much to do and not enough time to do it that everyone must focus on delivering. This month I did a horrible job focusing. So for the next few months I'm putting myself on an 'information diet'. Here's what that means.


The Day After the Attack

Last Saturday, April 5th 2014, I received an email from Google that they believed my site was hacked.

I just finished watching Microsoft's 2014 //build/ Conference's Day 1 Keynote. As expected there were a lot of announcements, not all of them surprises. But there were two anouncements that I found particularly interesting. IMHO, these two announcements exemplify just how far Microsoft has come since it released its first Open Source project almost exactly 10 years ago.


Microsoft 2014 MVP Award

While the rest of the internet goes crazy with silly hoaxes today, I got some great news that turned out to be true. Microsoft awarded me "Most Valuable Professional" status for 2014 in "Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing".

I've been so heads down running FireGiant that my attendance on StackOverflow has decreased signifcantly. However, someone who answers a fair number of MSI related questions on StackOverflow asked me a question to clarify his understanding.


Plus plus thirty six.

When incrementing a number, I use the prefix operator unless I require the side effects of the postfix operator. That means you generally see ++i in my code, not i++. After I reread last year's birthday update, I was struck how similar my life is exactly one year later. Thus incrementing last year's title seemed most appropriate. Today I am plus plus thirty six.