Rob Mensching's Blog - page 40

I started blogging three years ago when the MSDN blog site when it was still hosted on gotdotnet. Back then there were fifty or so Microsoft bloggers and people giggled when you said the word "blog". Now there are so many Microsoft blogs that nobody bothers to keep count any more.


It all begins in November...

As noted previously, there are some major changes going on in my life right now. This is the third and final change.


Joining Marketplace.

As noted previously, there are some major changes going on in my life right now.


How the WiX toolset got its name.

This morning someone asked me how the WiX toolset got its name. It isn't a terribly long story so I thought I'd write it down quickly.

In the last week there were three RSS feeds I follow that mentioned the new Restart Manager service in Windows Vista.

I have some philosophies about how to build software and setup for software that I've never posted here. So, I thought I'd share those philosophies today.

The Windows Installer Xml (WiX) toolset (pronounced "wicks toolset") appears to have finished propagating around the CVS servers, so I can finally start writing this blog entry.

I just got back from a successful trip to San Francisco and I'm very glad to be home again. However, I really wish I could attend the Open Source Business Conference 2004 in downtown San Francisco. It'd be really interesting to listen to speakers address the issue I've highlighted from their introduction.