
Windows Marketplace deployed... "automatedly".

Tonight I was late to the Thursday night WiX Working Group (where a bunch of us get together and slam out some code for WiX) because Zac and I were rolling out the first half of our changes to the live Windows Marketplace site. We split them in two because we start in the early evening and don't want to be up too late. Of course, I'm up all night Thursday anyway... but I was supposed to be writing WiX features.

Anyway, there were some bumps and bruises in the new automated deployment system but everything was deployed successfully. I think I ended up with three bugs to look into before we do the next deployment (most likely later this month). Fortunately, once we finish the second half of the deployment (in the next few days) the next deployment can be completely automated.

During the deployment, I was pretty wired. To think that Anita (our Servicing Engineer) could push a button and have everything rollout is very, very cool. Of course, it didn’t quite work out that way this time but we’ll get closer to that goal next time. Now, I’m just relieved that we’ve finally successfully deployed once. We’ve proven it can be done and now we can focus on improving it and the rest of the site.

Keep coding. You know I am.