WiX toolset bug count after April 2nd, 2009.
Morale took a hit this week with the announcement that the WiX toolset will not be shipping in Visual Studio. Productivity was slightly affected but a couple noteworthy bugs in the WiX toolset were fixed. We also ended down one more bug at 21. Not bad for a pretty painful week.
First interesting bug was that Votive will no longer lock referenced assemblies. This was simply an annoying behavior that Jason fixed. Second, fallback languages were implemented in light. This addresses a long standing and very bothersome issue. Eric paid particular attention to the documentation for this fix, so check out the next drop of the WiX.chm’s How To on localization.
I’ve been spending a considerable amount of my time thinking about the WiX v3 roadmap now that we are independent of Visual Studio 2010’s schedule. I have a couple tentative plans in mind that I’m socializing with others. Expect an update soon.