
Pussy Riot Speaks.

This is straight up tl;dr but the closing statements from members of punk band Pussy Riot are a fascinating. I don't know that I could write such poignant text ever, much less under similar circumstances. It was mostly intellectual for me until one defendant's psych eval identified her values as: justice, mutual respect, humaneness, equality, and freedom.

Those are values that I would hope define me and I hope to pass on to my son. Is this whole thing political theater or did these young women cross the line? I encourage you to read up on it and make up your own mind.

As for me, I can’t help wondering what the repercussions would be here for pulling that sort of stunt. A public apology? A fine to repair any damage? Community service for trespassing? A couple months in jail for repeated offenses (if there were repeated offenses)?

What they did get: two years in jail.