New Year. New Blog.
On the first day of 2024, I re-launched my new personal website. I've redesigned it to be a better home for my stuff on the internet. You'll now be able to go to this single site to keep up to date on all things Rob Mensching.

I think when we look back, 2023 will be seen as the year of Astro. Astro launched in mid-2021 and rapidly gained traction. It has been on my list to replace my custom static site generator for the last few years, and I knew Astro had the feature set to do it. So, over the last few months, I rebuilt my website during my son’s soccer practices.
I originally thought I would simplify down to “just a blog”. But after a very successful first season of the Deployment Dojo live show, I realized I wanted to curate those episodes in ways that YouTube didn’t. And looking at my traffic, it was clear there were a couple of blog entries that were evergreen material that would be better as long form articles. That would more easily allow me to keep them up to date rather than frozen in the past.
Add to that my continued disillusionment with Twitter, and I wanted to try “micro-blogging” on my personal site. Fortunately, I noticed Dave Winer formalized the concept of textcasting during 2023. I decided I wanted to experiment with “textcasting” instead of putting more content into Twitter. So, if that goes well, you’ll see this site is much more active with smaller updates as I play around with this textcasting concept.
That’s it. This is not a 2023 retrospective. That happens on my birthday. In the meantime, keep coding. You know I am.