Rob Mensching's Blog - page 3


Forty Six in Phoenix

I'm celebrating my birthday at a soccer tournament in Phoenix, Arizona. My son's team just won their division, and now they are playing football in the pool (because three days of soccer apparently wasn't enough). So while they play, let me recap last year and look forward into 2023.

The boys after they won their tournament.

The WiX Toolset v4 first release candidate is available now. If it feels like Preview 1 just came out, it did. WiX v4 release candidates are coming out about once a month now. Let's talk about what that means.

On Friday, we announced not just one but two significant releases: WiX v4-preview.1 and HeatWave! I'm so excited to talk about both that I honestly don't know where to start. How about we start with the new kid on the block, HeatWave, before we talk about the end game for WiX v4?


Forty Five More Normal

Last year I wrote about turning 44 and our life during this pandemic. I signed off with 'Here's hoping life gets more back to normal by this fall.' And life did get more back to normal. Today I turn 45. Let's recap the last year.

After I wrote most of this blog post the night of October, 5th 2021 I wasn't sure I would post it. After the events of the last 36 hours, I felt I needed to capture my experience on my website where it can only be edited by me. After reading this, I hope you will have a clear set of datapoints from my point of view. After this is all over, I hope something good comes of it.

.NET Foundation logo

My son plays in a year round soccer club. The pandemic shut down games for all of 2020 after March. When games resumed in 2021, only one parent was allowed to attend. I was already recording practices for my son to review using my phone when I decided to level-up my technology to record his games. I figured with a bit better technology, I could capture the boys' games and share the video with all the parents via YouTube. Everyone was very appreciative and a couple parents asked about the technology I use. So let's break it down.

Me recording the game my son is ready to enter.

WiX Toolset v4-preview.0

In WiX v4, a new .NET tool named wix replaces the command-line tools with cute names like candle.exe and light.exe. The new wix tool combines the functionality of those different tools into commands such as convert and build. Let's dig into those two commands to demonstrate how to upgrade your v3 .wxs source code to v4 and then compile it.


Forty Four and a Year of Pandemic

Today I turn 44. Like each year before this, I want to take a moment and reflect on the last year and look into the next. In particular, I haven't written about life here during the COVID-19 pandemic and I want to capture some memories. I'll also look ahead a bit.