Rob Mensching's Blog - page 40
As I'm sure you've heard by now, the Greater Puget Sound area was hit with record winds (upwards of 69 miles per hour) Thursday night. The winds took down many trees and the falling trees took down many power lines. Many places in the area are still without power, including my house.
More detail behind my negative view of InstallAware.
I got married last month (yeah, yeah, old news). One of the agreements I voluntarily struck with Jenny was that on November 1st, I'd put the computer(s) away. I would also change my password at work and not update my smartphone so that not even it would keep me connected to the electronic world.
The Good, the Bad and the Unknown after my first interaction with InstallAware.
I'm still getting all of my stuff migrated from my old digs at to here.
I started blogging three years ago when the MSDN blog site when it was still hosted on gotdotnet. Back then there were fifty or so Microsoft bloggers and people giggled when you said the word "blog". Now there are so many Microsoft blogs that nobody bothers to keep count any more.
As noted previously, there are some major changes going on in my life right now. This is the third and final change.
As noted previously, there are some major changes going on in my life right now.