Rob Mensching's Blog - page 5

Tonight I'm doing something completely different. I'm not working on WiX. In fact, I'm not even working on one of my own projects.


Let's Code - WiX: v3.14

During the final weeks of WiX v3.11 it was challenging just to find time to code much less write about the code. So our fun "Let's Code" sessions here were postponed while I focused on simply finishing WiX v3.11. But we are successfully past WiX v3.11 so let's talk about WiX v3.14. Actually, how about we create WiX v3.14 right now. Sound good? I thought so. Let's code!


WiX Toolset v3.11 Released

Today we release WiX Toolset v3.11. If you already installed v3.11.0.1701 from the weekly releases then you are already up to date. No need to do anything. For everyone else, here's why you might want to upgrade to WiX v3.11.


WiX v3.11 Release Candidate 2

Today we released the second WiX v3.11 Release Candidate.


WiX v3.11 Release Candidate

Today we released the WiX v3.11 Release Candidate.


The Big Four Oh

A lot of people make a big deal out of turning 40. There are plenty of popular sayings, jokes and even movies about turning 40. But most of them are negative. But I don't know why. I don't feel that way. Maybe it's because I don't feel like I'm 40 today. But I am 40 today and it's time to review.

Last week and weekend was phenomenal for WiX v3.11 (detailed summary here).


Let's Code - WiX: tables.xml and a typo

Last week I fixed my oldest bug in WiX v3.11, the bad filenames bug. This week I'm going to continue to start with my oldest bug and grab a couple others that are related.