Back on the crystal meth... and oh so happy.
On Wednesday night over pizza and code, K mentioned that The Crystal Method had a new album out. At first I didn't believe him. How could I have missed that The Crystal Method had a new album? However, low and behold K was correct. Right on the front page of their website the new album "Legion of Boom" was out and on shelves now!
I first heard The Crystal Method after I randomly picked up their first album “Vegas” at the Fred Meyer not far from Microsoft. That was the summer I was an intern on the Windows Installer team. Now there are very few things I’ll do more than once, but I swear I had that CD on repeat at work for the whole summer. You could hear “Busy Child
” blaring out of my office over the Building 17 atrium every Thursday night, our team’s Bug Night. That album even converted a couple of the other team members over to techno.
I did a bit of research Thursday at work and a couple reviews basically told me that The Crystal Method didn’t stray far from their Big Beat sound. While that seems to be a bad thing to the reviewers, I was ecstatic. So I swung by Best Buy this morning and picked up the new album (as well as a remix disc by DJ Baby Anne). After three or four full times through the album, I think “Legion of Boom” is a better album than “Tweekend
” although “Vegas” still easily rules over them all.
The upswing of all this is that I now have music on my phone to listen to while chilling at the airport. For this weekend is Valentines Day weekend and I’m off to New York City to take Jenny to ice skate in Rockefeller Center and see Rent. In fact, it’s time to get this blog entry posted and jump in Peter’s car so we make the flight.
Oh, if you’re in the Seattle area in a few weeks, The Crystal Method is playing at the Showbox on March 2nd. I’ll see you there.
Have a Happy Valentines Day, and keep coding for me, I’m taking the long weekend off!