
Last post on Subtext.

A year ago, I had a problem posting to my blog here due to an overflowing log file. At that time, I investigated other blogging engines and came up generally dissatisfied with the available options. Ultimately, I came away thinking it'd be fun to write my own blog engine.

Well, before moving to the Live Mesh team I decided I should work on some project to learn all the new features of .NET v3.5 such as LINQ and extension methods. The WiX toolset wasn’t a good option since it purposely targets .NET Framework 2.0. So I decided to create something new.

At that time the ASP.NET MVC project seemed to be shaping up. Given my experiments with shoving Model View Presenter into ASP.NET I was very interested to see if ASP.NET MVC was any better. Then my ISP announced my servers would be moving to Windows 2008 & IIS7.

That cinched it. I was going to learn .NET v3.5 and ASP.NET MVC by writing a new blog engine.

I now have an early version ready to upload once I get the server configuration all worked out. It took four months of on and off development with a solid push over the last couple weeks around Christmas to get ready. It was a great learning experience.

I do have a short list of other features to develop later and there are probably more than a couple bugs to fix once it’s live. So I wanted to warn everyone that things might be a little bouncy here over the next couple weeks until I get all the kinks worked out.