Rob Mensching's Blog - page 32
The end of my first ever Scrum Sprint is impending. For the last three weeks (of a six week Sprint) I have been scrambling to get all the pieces of my part of the puzzle complete. Why is it a scramble instead of a nice run through the backlog? Because various pieces didn't come together well (i.e. the way I though they would) in the beginning.
After having Outlook completely "forget" to update a couple of my feed subscriptions I decided it was time to go back to RSS Bandit. Once installed I found that RSS Bandit had added a few feeds that I had long discarded.
On the day of the "great blog power outage", I entered my first year as a "thirtysomething". Jenny and I were off relaxing on the San Juan islands. It was a wonderful three day trip of doing basically nothing. It isn't very often that I have a time where the greatest goal for a day is reading a few more pages in a book of fiction. In this case, Pattern Recognition.
It hasn't been a great couple months for my uptime here.
I am happy to declare that the WiX toolset is now at Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable. I have had a few people urging this upgrade in status for a while so about a week ago Joe and I did the required project maintenance to get the right bits (v2.0.5805.0) posted to the right places on SourceForge. Everything seems to be working so I'm finally comfortable posting publicly on my blog.
This is just a flippant thought so don't read to much into it but I found it amusing enough that I thought I'd share. Last week there was much discussion about Sun buying MySQL. While everyone was discussing what this meant for Sun and MySQL and the "Open Source Business Model", I was trying to figure out why this deal felt unusual yet familiar to me.
A few days ago I tried to post my second blog entry of the month. Windows Live Writer returned a very helpful error message from my server that told me I was out of disk space on the SQL Server. That was troubling because I don't have that many blog entries. It was late though and I didn't feel like debugging the server software so I called it a night.
If you watch the front page of the WiX toolset's web site and get notifications for changes to the Windows Installer XML News on SourceForge and subscribe to this blog then this is the third time you've seen this content. I apologize for the message in triplicate but there seem to be a surprising number of people that seem to believe that the WiX toolset has been abandoned because there has not been an update to the WiX SourceForge page in a while.