Rob Mensching's Blog - page 38


Personal Update

Yesterday I took the day off. By that I mean I slept until about one in the afternoon, woke up to eat something, played some XBox360 and went to bed around ten at night. When I first started at Microsoft when I used to work a lot. I'd take every third Sunday off or something like that. Yesterday felt like one of those Sundays.


The WiX toolset makes MSDN Magazine.

I just noticed that Sayed Hashimi's article about MSBuild and the WiX toolset in the March 2007 issue of MSDN Magazine.

Recently there were some reports of problems installing Windows Vista from Windows Marketplace. I followed up with a couple people who were kind enough to respond and it turns out all of them were having issues installing the 64-bit edition of Windows Vista.


I think I've read about this...

For years I've searched out descriptions of life in a software startups to see how "the other half lives". As many of you know, my entire professional career (going on 8 years) has been at Microsoft. More specifically I've worked in Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft Windows Core. Those groups are probably the very anti-thesis of "software startup".

I've been doing a fair bit of UI programming (more on that later). Kinda' scary to think that they let me write code that draws pretty pictures on the screen. What's even scarier is that I'm actually having a good time with it. I think it has a lot to do with the kick ass designers I work with.

This is a blog entry that I've been trying to find time to write for the last week. Unfortunately, the push for GA-day has been all encompassing.


Windows Vista Countdown Clock

This morning, Jascha (who, sadly, has yet to actually make a public appearance that I can find a link to) sent around a link to a guy who has a funny way of saying that he's looking forward to the Windows Vista release on Windows Marketplace. I'm excited about the near future too.

Today we announced the project that has been keeping me very busy as of late.