Rob Mensching's Blog - page 9
A number of blog posts with imperative statement titles are queued up in my head. Most of these are a long time in coming. A few are inspired by some questions asked by customers we support at FireGiant. Like most blog posts titled with imperative statements these are general recommendations based on my experience. You can probably come up with exceptional cases so I encourage you to remember the advice here is free. Do with it as you wish. ;)
I was poking through my email this morning while waiting for a couple long running processes to complete, when an email popped in pointing me to a Stackoverflow question. Typically, I redirect such inquiries to my support page. But it was a slow day at FireGiant Support so I thought I'd take a look.
Today we released the WiX v3.9 Release Candidate 4. As I mentioned in my previous blog entry we'd hoped RC3 would simply be promoted to RTM Obviously that did not work out.
Last week a report came out that there was a malware botnet spreading across Macs. The article caught my eye because I remember how Apple portrayed such vulnerabilities a little while ago. Do you remember? No? Here's a quick reminder.
Today I twice called upon Cortana to "music search" the same song playing on C89.5. The first time was this morning when Bradley and I sat in the car outside daycare grooving to the beat. The second time we were again in the car but this time parked in our drive way after returning from swimming late in the evening. Obviously, something about the song caught my attention. I thought it was just the 90s break beat that felt so familiar. It turned out to be something way more surprising.

I'm on Linkedin. I've been on there for a long time. I joined because I didn't know what it was for and, as is typical of me, figured the best way to learn was to join. Honestly, I still have not really figured out how to use Linkedin and I'm left with a pressing question, "How do you respond to a 'Linkedin friend request' from someone you don't know?"
Today is Labor Day, a holiday in America. That means there is a reasonable chance there is a new WiX toolset release out today. However, if you were hoping for WiX v3.9 RTM I'm sorry to disappoint you. Today we released the WiX v3.9 Release Candidate 3.
I was poking around in the Services management console the other day. Every time I do this, I'm reminded that there are a lot of services registered by default on Windows. The descriptions provided for the services in the management console are pretty good but yesterday I found a page in TechNet that provided additional information about many of the default Windows services.