Rob Mensching's Blog - page 10
Back when I started "The Startup Diaries" I mentioned how it seemed very few startups wrote about the actual startup process as it was happening. I naively thought I could do better. For a few months I did. Then for the last year and a half I didn't.
Last night the WiX v3.9 Release Candidate 2 hit the web. If you're thinking there was a release candidate only a few weeks ago, you're right. We didn't necessarily plan to release a second candidate. However, thanks to those of you tested the last release we found a few things to fix up. So, please let's do it all again. Download, install, build your world. We expect this is it. WiX v3.9 is eminent.
The WiX v3.9 release candidate was released last week. Bob, who is driving the v3.x releases, has a few words about the release candidate. I wanted to reiterate what Bob said. Download the release candidate, build your product with it. If something that used to work no longer works, please file a bug.
Today FireGiant turned one year old. I wish I could say we had a huge birthday party. But the truth is we were making so much progress today that we totally forgot FireGiant launched a year ago. Honestly, the whole year has kinda' been like that. It's a lot like a video game.
Back when I first started thinking about statically generating my blog, one of the big questions I had was, "What to do with comments?"
I rarely post anything about the Seattle Sounders FC on my blog. However, since this was just too good not to share and I'm off Twitter for the next couple months, here we are. This clip is from the Sounders game yesterday. My seats are a few rows higher and a few rows closer to center pitch but this is pretty much exactly what I saw.

It started with our toddler, moved to my wife and finally wiped me out. It wasn't one bug but a mix of different bugs that made life miserable for whomever was under full attack. The end result was a lost April and a rough start to May.
One of the cardinal rules for startups is: focus, focus, focus. There is so much to do and not enough time to do it that everyone must focus on delivering. This month I did a horrible job focusing. So for the next few months I'm putting myself on an 'information diet'. Here's what that means.