Rob Mensching's Blog - page 27
A year ago, I had a problem posting to my blog here due to an overflowing log file. At that time, I investigated other blogging engines and came up generally dissatisfied with the available options. Ultimately, I came away thinking it'd be fun to write my own blog engine.
It is the last day of 2008. Jenny mentioned this morning that she thought we had been through a lot of change. I immediately agreed. I said I felt we were at the end of the beginning. Let's recap.
Last week Bob pushed the latest WiX v3 release to SourceForge. The original intention was to declare that drop as the final Beta build for WiX v3. However, I changed my mind for two reasons.
Every once in a while something amusing happens on the wix-users mailing list that makes me chuckle. Sometimes, when they are short, I post them to my Twitter account. This morning I came across a new email to the mailing that started with "Hi Rob" which seemed a bit odd since there are hundreds of people on the list.
A year ago I wrote about the quiet day of reflection on my first wedding anniversary. Today was a weekday, a work day and my job rarely allows the time to sit back and think about where I've been and what I've done personally. So I bailed early and ran a few errands gathering components for the small gift I gave Jenny tonight when we celebrated.
This question just floated by and I had a similar question recently so I thought I'd capture it here to point search engines in the right direction.
Qik is working on my phone again so I thought I'd try getting back on the video horse. I conned Bob into holding the phone for me. But, I was still nervous about starting.