Rob Mensching's Blog - page 39

This little tip for those of you trying to do a small update or minor upgrade has been sitting in my "to blog" box for a long while. If you are developing a small update or minor upgrade for your MSI product, I encourage you to set the MSIENFORCEUPGRADECOMPONENTRULES Property to "1".


Crisis in Y2K7? WTF?

I've been working on revamping the Windows Marketplace build system for the last month or so. Just yesterday I had to make the decision how we were going to version our binaries. Versioning is a very important of software engineering and it can be very disruptive if you get it wrong. Getting versioning right is also quite often overlooked so I was pleasantly surprised to see two pages dedicated to the topic in the help for our build system.


Drive to a WiX v2 toolset final release.

Tonight the core WiX toolset virtual team made a concerted effort to reduce the number of open WiX v2 bugs.


Alas, Babylon.

As I'm sure you've heard by now, the Greater Puget Sound area was hit with record winds (upwards of 69 miles per hour) Thursday night. The winds took down many trees and the falling trees took down many power lines. Many places in the area are still without power, including my house.


Response to my WiXAware Introduction.

More detail behind my negative view of InstallAware.


Life without a computer.

I got married last month (yeah, yeah, old news). One of the agreements I voluntarily struck with Jenny was that on November 1st, I'd put the computer(s) away. I would also change my password at work and not update my smartphone so that not even it would keep me connected to the electronic world.

The Good, the Bad and the Unknown after my first interaction with InstallAware.


Still getting settled in...

I'm still getting all of my stuff migrated from my old digs at to here.